This market is famous for selling the fruits that come from Palermo countryside. Ballarò is the oldest among the markets of the city, attended by hundreds of people, animated by so-called abbanniate, that is to said by loud calls of the vendors who, with their characteristic and colored local accent, try to attract the interest of passers-by.
The “Vucciria” is a historic market of Palermo. The proximity to the city port stimulated the settlement of merchants and Genoese merchants, Pisa, Venice, etc. since the twelfth century. The presence of many craftsmen can still be read by the names of some streets (via Chiavettieri, via Materassai, Via dei Tintori, via Argenteria, via dei Frangiai, via dei Cartari, via Coltellieri, etc.)
The term Bucceria comes from the French boucherie which means butcher. The market was in fact initially scheduled for slaughter and sale of meat. Later it became a market for the sale of fish and fruit and vegetables.
“Vuccirìa” in Sicilian means “Din”. Present, as in other traditional markets, cries of its vendors (abbanniati) is one of the elements that characterize these markets.
The “Capo” is another historic market of Palermo. Bustling food market, the colors of the stalls characterize the vivacity.
They were on popular Augustinian this area, because they had their headquarters in the convent adjoining the fourteenth century church of Sant’Agostino.
Flea market
The Flea Market is a well-known market of Palermo, is a permanent exhibition of Italian antiques and especially of the Sicilian.
It is located near the Cathedral of Palermo, next to the Plaza of Papireto, so named because of the pond of papyrus that formed off the building, where they met the rivers that crossed the old city, the Kemonia and Papireto. In the market you can find antiques, old furniture and curiosities.
The district was established in the Arab period and is the first outside the district than the more ancient walls that were found in the area further west, this new neighborhood is built and fortified in a short time to create another defensive center to the city detached from the old center where coexisted too many disagreements. Inside there was the emir’s citadel.
Under the Norman domination the Arab walls, were demolished leaving only the outer walls of the city to foster communication between areas and then it was built the Castle at Sea as opposed to the old castle.
For some years the town of Palermo organize a festival, during the summer, and in the streets every night there are concerts, exhibitions and theater performances, and cultural heritage remain open to visitors until late at night.